The company said each garment on, including most H&M Home interior products, will feature supply chain details such as production country, supplier names, factory names and addresses, and even the number of workers in these factories.“Let’s team up for a sustainable futureคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง!”, said the fast-fashion firm, arguing that the move will allow consumers to make more informed choices when shopping.
“We are so proud to be the first global fashion retailer of our size and scale to launch this level of product transparencyคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. We want to show the world that this is possible,” commented Isak Roth, Head of Sustainability at H&M.“By being open and transparent about where our products are made we hope to set the bar for our industry and encourage customers to make more sustainable choices. With transparency comes responsibility, making transparency such an important factor to help create a more sustainable fashion industry,” he continued.Although the new data is available online only, customers can access the information when shopping in-store by using the H&M app. And to make it easier for shoppers to find the information, the app has a scanner function which allows users to point at a product’s price tag to get its details.The latest development builds on H&M’s release of its supplier list online in 2013.