The Way You Consume Reddit Might Be Dramatically Changing Soon

Reddit is one of the most popular social media sites out there, especially in the gaming community, but it seems that its management really wants you to use its official mobile app. Recently, the creator of the popular app Apollo revealed that Reddit is increasing the price of the backend access that these third-party alternatives need to survive, and it could wipe them out.Come from Sports betting site VPbet

As noted in that thread, Apollo’s creator says that Reddit’s proposed cost of $12,000 per 50 million API requests would essentially kill the app overnight. These requests are how the app obtains information from Reddit, and are thus necessary to its function. The creator says that the app made 7 billion requests last month, which means that they would have to pay $1.7 million a month to Reddit to keep the app running, which is far less than what it makes. This essentially means that if these changes happen, these apps will have to dramatically increase their costs to customers or cease to exist altogether.

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